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The Merging of Metaverse and Immersive Sound

The Merging of Metaverse and Immersive Sound

Enthusiasts of immersive Sound have a new place on the Metaverse: Sounds of Things.

We are in the golden age of sound. Its highlight is the growth in immersive sound quality that ordinary people, using smart devices, can easily generate.

The lack of dedicated and specially designed platforms on which users are incentivized to share and consume the content has seemed to stand in the way.

What is immersive audio?

As the name suggests, immersive audio is sound produced and generated so that the listener feels as if surrounded by it. Indeed, immersive audio is often described as Surround or 360-degree sound.

For example, a movie could be recorded so that the sound of gunfire seems to come from one side of the cinema hall while its echo is captured from the opposite wall. This phenomenon puts the viewer or listener at the center of the action.

History and evolution of immersive sound.

Sound engineers began to experiment with immersive sound in the 1940s. In particular, Disney attempted to use the technology to produce its animation film Fantasia.

The attempt to add a unique experience to the consumption of the movies was not initially successful, but it was the beginning of a long journey. More research and innovation happened in the 1950s and 60s.

However, this technology became commonplace, especially in movie and music production, beginning in the 1980s. It could only be replicated in cinema halls for a long time.

Today the technology to produce and consume sound in an immersive mode is available to almost everyone. The recorder in most ordinary smartphones and the accompanying headphones come with this capability.

This is an opportunity for people to produce high-quality sounds and share them with others like they do images and videos on networking sites like Instagram.

But then there is a better platform to share the content than social networking sites. And that is metaverse.

Immersive Sound Emotion in the metaverse.

The metaverse is a virtual world that seamlessly integrates with the physical world.  This virtual reality is built on a decentralized architecture possible through blockchain.

Besides being dependable, and a more privacy-oriented backend, the blockchain makes it possible to securely create and share value between the two realities.

Indeed, the merging of immersive audio and the emerging metaverse creates a huge economic opportunity in immersive sound content.

SoundsOfThings is a platform ahead of the curve in this regard. It creates the environment through which people can create, share and monetize short immersive audio known as Sound Emotions.

The immersive sound economy.

On the platform, users can also turn these Sound Emotions into non-fungible tokens (NFTs), digital assets that can be traded on a marketplace as pieces of art.

Being minted on the blockchain gives an immersive audio life of its own, but more importantly, it secures its rarity, something that was not possible on the internet until recently.

The users are incentivized through rewards in a native coin. One can earn by voting to turn great immersive Sound Emotions into NFTs. They can also create and own other digital assets that they can sell for the SOT native token.

Indeed, the SoundsOfThings metaverse is a dynamic economy powered by a deflationary currency (SOT token), which users can earn as rewards and through enterprising on the platform.

They can convert the SOT token on exchanges into currencies and spend the value they accumulate in the real world.


SoundsOfThings Srl - Head quarter - Via delle Palade 92 A, 39012 Merano (BZ)- Italia

Codice fiscale e partita IVA 14249081002 Cap. Sociale €10.731,92 i.v. R.E.A. di Bolzano n. BZ-220848

Operating unit - Viale Principe Umberto 67/bis, 98122 Messina (ME)-Italia R.E.A. di Messina ME-249302

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